Spirit + Soul
Spirit + Soul with Aleshia Moyamba
Podcast Interview with Paolo Peralta

Podcast Interview with Paolo Peralta

"There's a bigger mission in each and everybody."

Hi friends,

I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with the amazing

. Paolo and I discussed everything from conscious joy to healthy eating and why you have everything you need to tap into your power.

Here’s a little bit about Paolo:

expresses his art as a writer of inspiring articles in his newsletter called Make Pure Thy Heart, develops delicious vegan recipes on his food blogMakepurethyheart.com , and hits the road playing music with his band TURBO GOTH.

Spending most of his time with his partner Sarah Gaugler in their Art/ Tattoo/ Music studio in Tribeca, New York, Paolo leads a life of seamless creativity. His podcast Start Early Today and his book It’s All In Your Head Friend are his attempts to help people see things in a different light.

Transcription is available for those who would like to read the interview.

Food Blog

Listen to Turbo Goth

Book a Tattoo Session

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Spirit + Soul
Spirit + Soul with Aleshia Moyamba
The podcast inspiring you to become radically curious about your spirituality and connection to the Divine.